Publications Office of the EU
Newsletter of the Publications Office: March 2023 edition - EU publications
March 2023

Issue 115

March 2023

ISSN 2315-0017

Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to computer systems designed to mimic human intelligence and behavior. Such systems can run on devices we use daily, like vehicles, phones, computers, and even toys. One of the most exciting aspects of AI systems is their ability to learn from data and adapt over time. Moreover, thanks to their high computational capacity, they can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that humans may have missed. This has enormous implications for a range of industries, from healthcare to finance, where AI can help us make more accurate predictions and faster, better decisions. Another area where AI is making a significant impact is in the development of safe autonomous systems like self-driving vehicles and drones.

AI has the potential to transform nearly every aspect of our lives and help us tackle some of the world's most pressing challenges. Therefore, the EU has established a Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence, aiming to accelerate investment in AI, and the European AI Alliance, a forum for stakeholders, to help build strategic leadership in high-impact sectors.

However, as with any technology, there are also concerns about the impact of AI on society. Using AI brings legal and ethical challenges, that need to be addressed in full respect of human dignity, the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Therefore, in April 2021, the European Commission published its proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act, a framework proposal for the development and use of AI based on respect for fundamental rights, transparency, and accountability. The act takes a risk-based approach, providing for stricter regulation of AI systems with a higher potential risk to society. It also requires AI developers to provide clear information about how their systems work, and for users to be informed when they are interacting with an AI system. Overall, the EU’s proactive approach reflects its commitment to ensuring that technology is developed and used ethically and responsibly to benefit everyone in society.

This edition of our newsletter brings a selection of EU publications on AI, along with publications on other interesting topics, from investments to sustainable food.

The role of artificial intelligence in the European Green Deal PDF

This study offers an insightful analysis of the role of AI in the European Green Deal, a comprehensive plan aimed at making the European Union climate-neutral by 2050. It covers various aspects of AI, including its potential to support the transition to a sustainable and circular economy. It also explores the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of AI in the context of the Green Deal.

Available in English

AI watch: national strategies on artificial intelligence PDF

A European perspective

This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of national strategies on AI across EU countries plus Norway and Switzerland. It explores how these strategies differ in terms of their focus, objectives, and implementation and examines their potential to contribute to the EU's ambitious AI agenda. Moreover, it provides valuable insights into the role of AI in shaping Europe's digital future.

Available in English

Bias in algorithms PDF/Paper

Artificial intelligence and discrimination

This publication offers a comprehensive analysis of the issue of bias in AI algorithms and its implications for discrimination. It covers various aspects of the issue, including how biases are introduced into algorithms, their impact on decision-making, and their potential to perpetuate and amplify existing inequalities. It also explores the legal and ethical considerations associated with the use of biased algorithms and provides recommendations on how to mitigate these risks.

Available in English

More on this topic

Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in teaching and learning for educators PDF

This guide on AI and data use in teaching and learning is designed to help educators understand the potential of such technologies in this domain but also to raise awareness of the possible risks. It aims to help prepare educators to engage positively, critically and ethically with AI systems and exploit their full potential.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Improving working conditions using artificial intelligence PDF

How can AI be used to promote decent work and address issues such as workplace safety, health, and productivity? This publication provides insights into this topic. It covers various aspects of AI, including its potential benefits, risks, and limitations. It also explores how AI can be leveraged to create better and safer workplaces, and how to ensure that workers' rights are protected.

Available in English

Artificial intelligence in healthcare PDF

Applications, risks, and ethical and societal impacts

AI is transforming healthcare, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. This publication offers a comprehensive analysis of the applications, risks, and ethical and societal impacts of AI in this domain. It covers various aspects, including potential benefits, challenges, and limitations. It also explores how to ensure that its development and deployment are guided by ethical principles.

Available in English

Also out recently

The EU in 2022 PDF

General report on the activities of the European Union

2022 was an exceptional year for Europe, particularly due to the unjustified Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and its consequences. Do you want to know what the EU did to support Ukraine? What progress it made on delivering on the EU’s other priorities? The measures it took to boost jobs, growth and investment? Or how citizens benefited from the EU’s actions? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in this report.

Available in all official languages of the EU

EIB investment report 2022/2023 PDF

Resilience and renewal in Europe

The impact of Russia’s unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine, an energy crisis and tightening credit hit EU firms just as they were beginning to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis. At the same time, pandemic support has been pulled back. This report provides insight into the state of the European economy and its ability to withstand these crises while also becoming greener and more digital.

Available in English

EUISS yearbook of European security PDF/Paper

This publication provides an overview of events that were significant for European security and charts major developments in the EU’s external action and security and defence policy. Moreover, it provides an overview of security-related issues such as space, cybersecurity, terrorism, border management, hybrid threats and more.

Available in English

In your language

Data Act PDF

The path to the digital decade

The proposed Data Act is a proposal for EU legislation that aims to create a framework which will encourage data sharing and make more data available for use. It will set up rules on who can use and access what data for which purposes across all economic sectors in the EU. Find out more about the Data Act in this factsheet.

Available in all official languages of the EU

Paper hen PDF

Pick up some basic facts about the EU: print out and fold the sheet to make this fun origami game that children love to play!

Available in all official languages of the EU; also in Ukrainian and Russian

Research and innovation

CORDIS results pack on artificial intelligence and industry PDF/Paper

AI and advanced robotics are opening new horizons in all sectors of industry, in terms of both developing novel manufacturing techniques, and revising the interaction between human workers and automated tools. This CORDIS Results Pack showcases 14 trailblazing projects that are shaping the future with AI technologies designed to support and boost industry and manufacturing across a range of objectives.

Available in English, French and German
(Individual article also available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish on the CORDIS website)

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Key figures on the EU in the world PDF

2023 edition

This publication provides a statistical portrait of the European Union in relation to other parts of the world. It is structured into three parts: people and society, economy and trade, and environment and natural resources.

Available in English

Croatia after the euro changeover PDF


Croatia joined the euro area on 1 January 2023, becoming the 20th EU Member State to adopt the euro as its currency. To help ease the transition for citizens, the old national currency, the Croatian kunas, remained in circulation for two weeks alongside the euro. After this period of two weeks, the kunas were no longer accepted as legal tender, and the euro became Croatia’s sole currency. This Flash Eurobarometer survey was conducted immediately after the end of the dual circulation period to examine the attitudes of Croatian citizens towards the new currency and the changeover process.

Available in English

Food futures PDF

Sustainable food system

The Farm to Fork strategy is a cornerstone of the European Green Deal. It strives for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system fulfilling the UN Sustainable Development Goals. How do our values, our culture and our individual views of the world influence how far policy can drive change in the way we think about food. How willing are we to really embrace sustainable food systems? What goes into the making of a sustainable sandwich, and how will it taste? This beautifully illustrated book attempts to explore these topics.

Available in English

Our news

The portal of the Publications Office of the EU,, gives free access to a wealth of EU resources including EU publications. To make it easier for you to find publications you are interested in, the site highlights collections dedicated to popular topics, new releases, educational resources and more. Recently, a new section was added highlighting publications available in all official EU languages.

The new section, called ‘In your language’, helps readers to be well informed about key EU topics by providing information to them in their own language. Publications featured in this section are organised in four collections: How the EU works, Facts about the EU, The Green Deal & energy, and Education material. The collections are regularly updated to bring readers the most recent and popular titles. Visit the new section and explore what the EU does and means, in your language!

You will henceforth also find a section ‘In your language’ in our newsletter.

The Publications Office of the EU has launched a competition to identify and reward high quality public procurement research. Specialists in the field are invited to join the TED Ambassador award 2023.

Innovative ideas in public procurement can play a tremendous role in economic growth, jobs and transparency. As part of the Preparatory Action ‘Transparency in public procurement’, the Publications Office of the European Union has launched the TED Ambassador award 2023. The competition aims to identify and reward high quality public procurement research in the following areas:

  • Transparency in public procurement
  • Green procurement
  • Emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in public procurement
  • Stimulating innovation through public procurement

Competition rules

The competition is open for submissions until 28 April 2023. For detailed conditions and evaluation criteria, check the Rules of competition.

The panel will select 12 winners who will receive a prize and their work will be promoted on the official TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) website. Your participation can significantly boost the visibility and impact of your research project. So, do not miss your chance and join the TED Ambassador award 2023 by filling in the online form.


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